The Smart Water for Green Schools (SWGS) project, which Global Green (GCI) started in 2010 to provide access to water and sanitation for communities in need around the world, contributes to international efforts to secure safe drinking water and sanitation for every human being. SWGS addresses children’s needs first, as they are more vulnerable to waterborne diseases, but does target entire communities.
SWGS Methods
SWGS methods include building infrastructure and empowering communities to maintain their own water supplies, reducing the risk of deadly waterborne diseases, promoting the sustainable use of water resources, and increasing school attendance, girls’ education and gender equality.
Smart Water for Green Schools has brought safe drinking water to 147,000 people in some 170 communities in Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Senegal, Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, Sri Lanka, China, Ukraine and Brazil.
Green Cross International
Green Cross and Giorgio Armani continued to raise awareness about water poverty in developed and water-rich countries throughout 2015, while carrying out concrete on-the-ground projects to supply deprived communities with secure, safe and sustainable water access. New projects were deployed in Ghana, Ivory Coast, Senegal, China, Bolivia, Mexico and – for the first time – Argentina.
Green Cross Italy introduced applications of renewable energy (particularly solar PV) and provided specialized technical training for farmers living in the area. The project has created more than 900 permanent jobs, and 544 have been assigned to women in the two villages.