Today is the UN’s World Water Day and we are joining our colleagues at Green Cross International in marking the day by calling for action to protect those whose lives and well-being are endangered by the global water crisis and related food security challenges. How many people are we talking about? Hundreds of millions, particularly those who are threatened by more frequent and intense drought and flooding. “It was a relief to hear the UN recently state the Millennium Development Goal for access to safe drinking water would be met. But much remains to be done,” said Marie-Laure Vercambre, Director of Green Cross International’s Water for Life and Peace Program. “Almost 800 million people still live without access to safe water and three times that number lack sanitation systems.”
In addition to the valuable information from Green Cross International on its work, here are some more notable posts online for World Water Day:
Water.org has facts and infographics
Surfrider posted videos that capture the essence of water in three seconds
The Atlantic has photos of water around the world
Environmental Working Group tweeted this visualization of water consumption in the U.S.
The Whole Living site has infographics on water use
US Aid has an e-zine on the “Improving the Role of Water in Food Security”
Green Biz posted about the water footprints of energy companies