Problem: Humans and nature do not currently work in sync with each other. We destroy land, habitats, and will eventually irreparably damage our Earth if we do not find a solution. All animals and nature need to support each other to sustain our systems of life.
Action: We’ve developed a revolutionary design system that mimics nature to help solve the world’s climate change crisis and support and educate individuals and the community. The parks are designed to repair local ecosystem habitats, including the renewal of soil, water and air.
Solution: The region with the installed EcoPark will be protected from flooding and erosion, generate clean water and food, produce jobs and long term economic development, promote education, and reduce carbon and enhance biodiversity.
Our EcoPark Goals:
1-Year Goal
We will design and begin construction of three EcoParks across the USA, and one EcoPark in another region of the world. Along with building, we will educate global leadership on why EcoParks are critical for our planet.
3-Year Goal
We will develop comprehensive education programs inside our EcoParks for students to learn various subjects in depth. Every quarter, a new EcoPark will initiate across the planet in various biomes.
5-Year Goal
After our efforts of educating governments across the globe about our EcoParks, we will help governments build more EcoParks in their countries through education, demonstration, and through models as examples.
10-Year Goal
We will continue to influence global action through demonstration to keep the global temperatures within the healthful range, and by this time, a global leadership council for the EcoParks will be developed.