Juni Essentials is a sustainable oral care brand that makes products for you and the earth.
505 west 54th street apt 519 , New York, New York 10019, United States
Number of people in the organization
Sustainability Goals
In short, to us, sustainability is an ongoing and learning process, and everyone is on a different step in their journey. We still have a lot of work to do, but we want to empower ourselves and our customers to make the right choices easy. We work at every level of the product cycle to ensure that we’re executing on sustainable practices. That means working with raw material providers, vendors and employees that have the same sustainability goals as we do.
Sustainability Achievements
We source our bamboo from FSC certified bamboo farmers.
In proud partnership with 1% for the Planet, we donate 1% of our profit and time to the planet.
Globally, we’ve sold 936,255 bamboo toothbrushes, reducing plastic use and waste by 16,882kg