Fire Resilience Initiatives: Thomas Fire Update & Woolsey Fire Donations
2019 Thomas Fire Update
After the Thomas Fire destroyed 1,000 structures in December 2017, Global Green launched the Thomas Fire Green Rebuilding Resilience Initiative. Through coordinating with the USGBC-LA, 19 households in Ventura were matched with expert volunteers. These volunteers provided pro-bono, one-on-one green rebuilding technical assistance to interested residents. These green building strategies were compiled into a toolkit for expanded use. The program benefits both the people involved and the environment., energy consumption in green buildings is on average 25% lower than standard buildings, resulting in less greenhouse gas emissions and savings for homeowners. Water conservation technologies and techniques in “greening” homes lead to drastic reduction in water consumption through sustainable landscaping, coupled with efficient indoor technology. Additionally, home value increases by approximately 3.5% for homes that upgrade with green features. For the people receiving assistance, this strategy can be a way for them to rebuild a home that will bring them security and comfort for years to come.
Expanding Our Work: Woolsey Fire
The Woolsey Fire was one of the most destructive fires in California’s history. As the fire blazed through Ventura and LA County, it burned 94,949 acres, destroyed 1,643 structures, and cost multiple lives. The destruction caused by the Woolsey Fire provides an opportunity to not simply rebuild, but rather to establish a new foundation for a resilient and green future for the Central Coast. Global Green has the technical expertise and network necessary to bring green rebuilding / repair education, and technical assistance to the homeowners affected by the Woolsey Fire, at no cost to the homeowners. This work is vital to overcome the devastation experienced by the entire region and move forward toward progress for the people impacted, as well as for the environment.
Global Green is seeking funding for this project. With $50,000 in donations, Global Green, in partnership with the USGBC, has capacity to impact 100 households. This is equivalent to approximately 250 people who would have the ability to protect their homes in a fire resilient and environmentally friendly way. TAKE ACTION
The Woolsey Fire Green Rebuilding Resilience Initiative will focus on the following activities:
- Recruit participants through connecting with local level partners in the affected cities.
- Host focus group workshops for the expert volunteers in preparation to assist homeowners.
- Match interested homeowners with green building experts who will provide free, one-on-one green rebuilding technical assistance.
- Host a meet and greet workshop for homeowners to connect face to face with volunteers
- Create a resource center for homeowners on green building strategies with a focus on energy efficiency, water savings, indoor air quality, and resilience and increasing the number of certified green homes in the area using the LEED for Homes standard.

Each home that rebuilds with green upgrades will have energy savings of 2,675 kWh/year, water savings of 28,740 gallons per year, and financial savings of about $5,805 annually. The amount of energy saved per home is equivalent to 5,000 car miles or planting 52 trees to sequester carbon.
THANK YOU for your contribution to this cause, any donation will help make impact.
For any further questions, please contact Andrea Ostenso at [email protected].

![GG Logo[Green].png](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5548ed90e4b0b0a763d0e704/5c37e1f2758d46d2a627e866/5c37e2028a922dd173820064/1547166216925/GG+Logo%5BGreen%5D.png?format=100w)