Helping Haiti rebuild green following the devastating earthquake in January 2010.
Global Green mobilized immediately after the earthquake, and we received generous donations from individuals as well as actor and activist Walton Goggins (who raised over $6,000), and SBE (which raised $20,000 from their employees) to help us make an impact.
Since the devastating earthquake in Haiti in January 2010, the rebuilding of Haitihas been slow, but progress is being made. Thanks to our supporters, Global Green is doing its part to help green the rebuilding of Haiti.
Global Green selected three partners on the ground doing important work, and we’re helping to green their projects. We’re being assisted with a generous solar donation of 100kw from SunPower Foundation.
- Habitat for Humanity: CEO Matt Petersen has been to Haiti twice to build homes with Habitat for Humanity and President and Mrs. Carter. On his second visit, he announced Global Green’s donation to Habitat to help build compostable latrines and solar neighborhood lighting.
- Cine Institute: Global Green committed to create a grant to help power the Cine Institute in Jacmel, where young Haitians are trained to work in film, television, and radio. Global Green was able to get a $100,000 solar tent donated for the Cine Institute. Thanks to the support of Black Card Foundation, FTL Solar, Jet Blue, and Airline Ambassadors, the solar tent allowed the only film school in Haiti to power one of their buildings.
- APJ School: Global Green plans to make a donation of solar to the APJ school in Port au Prince, where secondary students from camps are getting a second chance at an education. The solar power will allow students to have regular access to their computer lab.
- All these projects will benefit from Global Green’s help and our donation of solar panels, so students and families do not need to depend on the unreliable electricity grid or dirty, expensive diesel generators.
You can help us advance our efforts with a fundraiser through Crowdrise or by making a direct donation to Global Green.